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Please fill out all of the forms below and click "Calculate" under each box. Then check back here to see your Estimated Monthly and Yearly Savings.
Monthly Savings:
Yearly Savings:
How many vehicles are in your fleet?
How many full-time drivers do you have?Note: Count 2 half-time drivers as 1 full-time driver
What’s the average number of miles traveled per day per vehicle?
What is your average fuel cost per gallon?
What is the average miles per gallon (MPG) rate per vehicle?
(based on typical average savings of at least 5%)
* The total monthly and yearly savings are only an estimate. Actual savings will vary by company. Call us to discuss your specific business needs by phone: (210) 587-7634 or fill out our contact form for more information.
What is your average hourly overtime pay rate?
What is the estimated average number of overtime hours paid per week per driver?
(based on typical average savings of at least 50%)
What is your average regular hourly pay rate per driver?
What is your average vehicle cost per month? Note: Include cost of vehicle, ownership and operation, maintenance, insurance, etc.